Mission and Vision

At Her Health, Our Priority to Empower (Her HOPE), our mission is to empower and uplift Black women by providing comprehensive, holistic services to address disparities in maternal health outcomes. We are dedicated to proactively promoting wellness and advocating for our community's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Together, we strive to create a supportive environment where every Black woman feels heard, valued, and respected throughout their pregnancy and beyond.

Through community education, culturally competent care, and advocacy, we strive to address and eliminate disparities in maternal wellness. By embracing the principles of collective work and responsibility, we can create a healthier and more equitable future for generations to come.

Our Key Principles:
Competence - Culturally competent care must be utilized in maternal healthcare. We must remember there is no one-size-fits-all treatment
Cognizance - We must have self-awareness of our biases and be willing to correct them where needed
Communication - We must effectively communicate with Black women and be willing to educate on their health for better understanding of treatment decisions
Collaboration - Black women’s perspectives and concerns must be seen as valid. It is vital they are included as a member of their own treatment team.